
Friday, January 20, 2012

How to Check a MacBook for Spyware

MacBooks can become infected with spyware, just like Windows operated laptops. Spyware can affect Web browsing, send out pop-ups, virus alerts and advertisements. Removing spyware from a MacBook is necessary in order to keep the system optimized and functioning properly. Not all anti-spyware programs are written to protect MacBooks, instead they are geared towards Windows protection. ClamXav is a free anti-spyware tool that is written for MacBooks and Mac OS X operating system.


Things You'll Need

  • ClamXav

1 Obtain a free copy of ClamXav antivirus and anti-spyware program from Click on "Download" link to obtain the files.

2 Install ClamXav to your MacBook.

3 Run a full scan of your MacBook. Click on "Choose what to scan..." and check "All Folders".

4 Click on "Report" once full scan has completed.

5 Select any spyware found in the "Report" tab. Choose to quarantine or delete spyware.

Tips & Warnings
Scanning the entire MacBook for spyware may take several hours